An Executive Marketing Advisor will help you grow your business and reach your goals. Marketing can be overwhelming, especially for small businesses, and founders who are not marketing experts. They are highly effective at connecting with you as the founder to help you gain perspective, increase your knowledge, avoid costly and time-consuming mistakes, and accelerating your company's growth. They are your go-to when you have a marketing question or decision to make, but not sure how to think about it. 

An Executive Marketing Advisor will support you to overcome your own blind spots and to see errors and weaknesses as opportunities for growth. They'll be aware of your business goals and strategies to help determine what changes can be made to better serve your company and achieve your goals. They are an invaluable resource in supporting you to make better decisions about marketing initiatives. They are also effective at collaborating and supporting full-time CMOs, Executive Directors of Marketing, or senior marketing professionals that don't quite have the experience to confidently fulfill the role. A good advisor-client relationship is highly confidential and personal. It requires a great deal of trust on the part of both parties. 

When working with an Executive Marketing Advisor, the initial period is typically spent understanding the nuances of your business, like your target audience,  industry, and internal operations and dynamics. They will also spend time understanding your goals and priorities to establish a set of initiatives that will create the most value in future ongoing work. Remember, the role of an advisor is to advise, not do the work for you. If you are looking for someone to perform the roles and responsibilities of a Chief Marketing Officer, then you'll want to consider a Fractional CMO

Fractional CMOs are highly effective at stepping in to fill an executive role to forge a strategic, sales-and-client experience aligned path for your business. They can also help you define what your business needs and clarify the budget required. Fractional CMOs can help you fill marketing roles with confidence and less risk.

What You Need to Know About Working With an Executive Marketing Advisor


How A Data Driven Approach Benefits Your Company

Embracing data-driven strategies is not just a trend but a proven path to success. According to Forbes, companies that adopt data-driven approaches are 23 times more likely to outperform their competitors in customer acquisition and 19 times more likely to maintain profitability. Invoca's research further reveals that these companies drive five to eight times more sales than those not leveraging data. This data underscores the immense potential for growth and success that data-driven strategies …

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We’ve Had the Same Damn Marketing Problem for Years. Why Can’t We Fix It?

Organizations that can’t get ahead with their marketing have plateaued—nothing seems to work, even though they feel they have tried everything. They are in a spot where they need to better leverage marketing to grow or scale their business sooner rather than later. But when my conversation with them turns to their marketing strategies, the responses often get pretty vague:

  • We consistently post on LinkedIn and send emails weekly.

  • Yes, we’re going to do some LinkedIn and Google ads. (as if it’s a la…

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How Much Will It Cost to Work with a Fractional CMO?

If you’re evaluating whether a fractional CMO is right for your business, that is sure to be one of your first questions. Getting a clear answer to this question can be challenging because there are a variety of fractional CMO models that offer different levels of engagement, expertise, and pricing structures.

The fractional model is especially advantageous for financially constrained companies or those undergoing transitions. Integrating a fractional CMO allows businesses to stay on course wit…

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Are You Ready to Get Started?

Omicle delivers delivers brand clarity, marketing strategy, and operational efficiency to prepare founders to scale their business through revenue-driven leadership.


Client Case Studies


How the Price You Charge and Your Brand are Indeed Connected

Pricing is more than just the sales price; it also includes how your products and services are packaged. There are many pricing models out there—some work better than others and some work better in some industries than others. What’s important is that it fits with your business model, convinces your clients to buy, and gives your clients confidence in your brand.

A client had a yearly subscription model, however, over half of their clients were leaving after three or six months and then would re…

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Choose Clarity Over Being Cheeky When Building Your Brand

Brand messaging is the art of using the right words to communicate to your target audience the value that you provide. When done correctly, it’s the foundation of Category Design where instead of positioning yourself to directly compete with your competitors, you create a new category, so the market perceives you as the only and best solution for their problem.

A client came to us who was struggling to raise funds. They had a steady stream of revenue, but it barely sustained their current level, …

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The Difference Between Strategy and a Tactic and Why it Matters

Strategy is the why.
Tactics are the how.

The strategy is the logic behind the actions that you take. It’s the bridge between your goals, priorities, revenue, and resources and how you will accomplish your goals, prioritize your priorities, increase your revenue, and better leverage your resources.

Your Goal is What?!?

As a part of our Discovery process, one of the first questions we ask potential and new clients is “what are your goals?” We’re looking to identify both short-term and long-term goal…

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Our Services That Will Benefit You the Most

Pick the option that best fits your needs:

5 Sessions


One session per month.
  • Five 60-minute private sessions via Zoom per month
  • Recorded and shared with you
  • Access to me via email for issues and questions as they arise outside of our live sessions
  • This package is most requested by companies in the HUSTLE or TRANSFORM stages.

Brand Messaging Development

  • positioning statement is a single sentence that clearly communicates the value you provide and the segment of the market that you serve. The challenge with a positioning statement is that it can be wordy and hard for people to remember.
  • What we call a WOW statement, is a short conversational phrase that makes it easy for your market to quickly and clearly understand who you are, and the value you provide. In our experience, the combination of the two increases your brand credibility improves your SEO, and generates leads and business faster. 
  • This package is most requested by companies in the HUSTLE or GROWTH stages.

10 Sessions


One session per month.
  • Ten 60-minute private sessions via Zoom per month
  • Recorded and shared with you
  • Access to me via email for issues and questions as they arise outside of our live sessions
  • This package is most requested by companies in the HUSTLE or TRANSFORM stages.