
Customer Experience Strategy | CX Strategy


How to Level Up Your Business Website and the Online Customer Experience

The best way to illustrate the importance of a good business website is to think about a bad example. Have you ever stumbled upon a terrible website?

A bad website is slow, clunky, and frustrating to use. It might have ugly or hard-to-read text. The color scheme might clash or make seeing widgets, text, and images. You might struggle to find what you’re looking for because the navigation system is terrible. It might even feature distractingly bad spelling.

The chances are that you didn’t stay …

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Keeping Your Customers Interested In What You're Doing

In business, you always need to make sure that whatever you are doing is keeping people interested. The more you can keep customers interested in what you are doing, the more likely it is that they are both going to return to you again and again and that they are going to recommend your services and products to friends too. So with that in mind, you will need to know about some of the things you can do to keep your customers as interested as possible.

As you are about to see, it is actually eas…

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Let's Demystify Buying Groups: The Key to B2B Marketing Success

In today's fast-paced business world, one thing is clear: the landscape of B2B sales is evolving. No longer can businesses rely on marketing exclusively to a single decision-maker within an organization. The traditional approach of crafting messages directed at an idealized 'ideal customer' is giving way to a more complex reality—marketing to buying groups.

Large buying groups, often comprising multiple stakeholders with diverse needs and perspectives, have become a common feature in B2B transa…

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How Your Explainer Video Can Beat the Competition

If there is one aspect of our business promotion tactics that we could all benefit from learning, it's the explainer video. It's a simple way to convey your brand's identity, credibility and ultimately build trust with your target audience. But what do you need to incorporate to generate that trust between the business and the individual?

A Clear Narrative of Your Expertise

A company that has evident expertise gained from experience within the industry or qualification can be an instant way to giv…

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5 Questions to Determine If Your Brand Needs an App

If you're looking for more ways for people to engage with your company and make the process easier all around, designing an app can answer all of your issues. With over 90% of consumers accessing the internet via mobile, giving them the option of using an app over accessing your mobile website can be a good investment.

Did you know over 50% of small businesses have a dedicated app for either internal or external business communications and purchases, are you really being left behind? The reality …

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How the Price You Charge and Your Brand are Indeed Connected

Pricing is more than just the sales price; it also includes how your products and services are packaged. There are many pricing models out there—some work better than others and some work better in some industries than others. What’s important is that it fits with your business model, convinces your clients to buy, and gives your clients confidence in your brand.

A client had a yearly subscription model, however, over half of their clients were leaving after three or six months and then would re…

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5 Tips to Win Clients from Your Competitors

Why is it so hard to sway clients away from your competitors?

Well, the short answer is switching costs. But when we hear that term, we often only think about the physical or tactical aspects of change—it often leaves out the mental and emotional elements of the switching costs.

Once a client has an established relationship with a provider, it’s set up. The exchange of access, details, invoicing, and contacts are already in place. The client and vendor can just do the work. In order for this p…

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Melanie Asher, MBA Interviewed on The Revenue Maze Podcast with Valerie Cobb

🔥 🔥 “Be crystal clear on your messaging and it is not from your perspective, it is from your client's perspective and your perspective clients.” 🔥 🔥

Yes, our Founder and Fractional CMO, Melanie Asher, MBA was featured on The Revenue Maze podcast. Listen to hear that great quote and other points about how to make your business CREDIBLE and RELEVANT. Melanie joins the host Valerie Cobb to share some tips on how to get out of the revenue maze;

💲 Be crystal clear on the messaging you send. The m…

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Case Study: From Divided Attention and a Lack of Accountability to a United Direction

All organizations if they last long enough will eventually plateau. They will reach a point where they’ve established brand recognition in the market, have loyal customers, and are perceived as a “traditional” brand. Usually, when a brand is described this way, it means that it is outdated but can still be relied upon for something.

This success should be celebrated and it’s vital that the leaders of the organization recognize that what got them there, isn’t going to take them successfully into…

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Guest Post: How to Connect Your Brand with Reverence to Increase Your Social Impact

Continuing my guest post series, here is an article from Eben Greene, President and Vision Keeper of the top change management agency, ShiftUp. You've heard me talk about him before, he helped with the Omicle rebranding and we've partnered on projects.


Eben Greene says...

Like meeting someone for the first time, your initial encounter with a business can leave a lasting impression. That feeling or belief in a company or product branding is powerful. It lays the gro…

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