
Blog Articles


Christine Perkett Creates Virtual Work Before It Was Common Place

What started off as an interview with Christine Perkett of PerkettPR about social media, expanded to also include a discussion about the virtual world of PerkettPR and the things companies need to consider when deciding to take on social media. I found my conversation with her to be both enlightening and rewarding.

From the beginning she created her own way and has held true to her values. Creating a virtual company at a time when it was not common (the mid 90s) was not an easy task. Neither was…

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Social Media: Company Accounts vs. Personal Accounts?

I was reading Ted Murphy’s blog post about his take on CEOs having personal blogs and being on Twitter. While he made many great points, I feel the strongest one is this:
“The IZEA blog is focused on things relevant to IZEA and our community. is filled with content relevant to me and my personal thoughts about the world around us. While there is some overlap in audience each blog has a different message and bond with the reader.”
This is a very important ‘rule’ that companies of all siz…

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Twitter for Business

Like so many, I am relatively new to the world of Twitter. Before signing up though I wanted to know “if anyone has received business from Twitter.” I posted that question on various sites to see what others experience has been. The general consensus was that no one has received business (directly) from Twitter. So if you are looking to get more business from a new source, you will have to look elsewhere.

That being said, if you are looking for a tool to get the word out about your company, your …

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