Executive Personal Branding
How Diversity Accountability Can Effect Your Brand Building Initiatives
Diversity is not just about differences. It is also about similarities—the things that people have in common. Leveraging similarities can be an asset in solving business issues and is often underutilized or abused with little in-between.
Assuming that diversity means differences and similarities let me share with you where many companies go wrong with diversity. They miss the element of difference and only focus on similar or what is familiar. Familiar is safe, reduces immediate risk, and puts…
The ROI of Diversity
Would you be surprised to learn that on average, when diversity is implemented as a process of change it has a one to three hundred percent ROI! (Honest it does!)
It also typically has a higher ROI than other company training initiatives, decreases employee turnover, increases customer loyalty, and can help you land more jobs. . . just to name a few.
By the…
Does Pay Determine Worth?

To break it out further, in 2010, African American women were at 67 percent of all men's earning…
Differences of Diversity
Diversity simply addresses differences. It doesn’t specify what is different, how it’s different, or why it matters that it is different, it just simply is different. These differences can come in the form of religion, sexual orientation, language, age, race, communications styles, gender identification, social class, mental abilities, or even looks.
Senior leadership and a company’s employees bring these qualities and characteristics to work every day—whether you want them to or not. These are…Company Culture Drives Results--Everytime!

Having been faced with this response many times, I knew what it actually meant—his company is in or approaching serious trouble and either he doesn’t know it or he is in denial about it. Or on rare occasion it means that the company…
The Profit Button
The Profit Button
When you only push the Profit Button, nothing happens, but when you fix, change, and improve everything involved in creating profit magically the profit button works!
So what buttons are you pushing?
How Often Should Goals Be Reset?
Q. I would love any thoughts on how often management should reset the goals for a sales team? I have seen everything from annually to quarterly and would love to hear how other sales organizations parse out budgets.
A. The challenge I see with your question is that it is one-sided. When its only management deciding the goals, then its management talking AT the sales team. It should be a joint decision when they are decided upon. Yes the company needs a certain amount for growth, but the team may…Re-thinking New Year's Resolutions

I won’t get started on a rant about New Year’s resolutions, but I do want to connect the concept with changes we consciously make.
A business’s stability and success is dependent upon their ability to adapt a…
Executives' Role Changing

The purpose of this event was to share experiences of being in an interim executive position within a company. The panel was made up of Bob King (COO), Tim O’Brien (CTO), Janis Machala (CEO), Marty Heimbigner (CFO), and was moderated by a good friend of mine, Barry Otterholt.
While plenty of stories and examples were shared, two topics came up predominately: Leadership and Success factors.
“I don’t b…
Steve Rennekamp's Win / Win / Win Senario

In a successful company, you build your …