
Brand Experience Strategy


The Ability of a Brand to Go from Viable to Valuable

MVP. Sounds exciting. You want that title. Right?

Well, unfortunately, I am not going to talk about being the most valuable player. Instead, my thoughts are about a minimal viable product (MVP). I know that is nowhere near as sexy. And as you know, you don't want me talking sports. LOL!

Anyway, I want to draw attention to the words--minimal...viable...product—MINIMAL in particular.  

The concept is great, you spend as little as possible and generate the most revenue (and hopefully profit too)…

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Case Study: How Passion for the Brand and Re-Uniting the Team Created Unstoppable Energy

Most brands would do anything to create the deep emotional connection and intense loyalty enjoyed by our client, a 50-year old regional non-profit. The organization was named after one of its charismatic, larger-than-life leaders. Back in the day, the founders had united the community around their mission of fostering conversations about diversity in various mediums--a public access television talk show, retreats, and workshops. But now, all but the TV show was shut down due to financial mismana…

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Case Study: Growth and Change Elicit Strong Feelings for Everyone in a Company

When the founder left the industry-leading company where he’d worked for the better part of a decade to strike out on his own, he had big ambitions: to compete with his former employer on a global scale, with an offering that would set a new industry standard for ethics, safety, and client value.

He was soon joined by two colleagues he’d met during his 16-year tenure in the industry, who had also become friends. The three shared the same vision for improving the industry, and together they atta…

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What is Brand Personality and How it Helps in Marketing?

Think about a person that you admire or has been a mentor to you.
Can you see them in your mind?
Feel how they make you feel?

Now, tell me about this person. Only I don’t want to know their name or their gender. I want you to describe their personality to me. Do they always make you laugh? Are they always running late? Do they have a quirky twitch that they do when they are thinking? Remember, do not tell me their name or gender.

I’m listening...

Now let me tell you about my person-> My perso…

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How to Improve Your Marketing to Xennials: They are Not Millennials

Xennials aren’t often talked about—as they aren’t an official generation. Instead, they are a subset between Gen X and Millennials born between the years of 1977-1983. This micro-generation doesn’t fit into either generation completely and still has enough traits and trends that end up creating a group of their own. They spent their childhoods outside without the need to update social media and were the first to be told to figure social media out in the workplace because of the boom in their ear…

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The FAQs of Working with a Fractional CMO

What is a fractional CMO?

A fractional CMO is a contract Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), retained on a part-time basis to provide executive marketing leadership for a growing business. They are a key part of your executive team brought in to take a holistic view of your business. They seek to understand your business objectives with enough clarity to develop fresh and impactful marketing strategies that will drive growth for your organization. They work with you to develop strategic insights, fo…

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How to be Successful in Marketing to the Baby Boomers

Boomers were born between the years of 1946-1964 and grew up with the “American Dream” in the white-picket-fence era of post-World War II. They are the second-largest generation behind Millennials.

What Key Events Influenced Boomers?

What You Need t…

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How to Create a Smart System to Generate Word-of-Mouth Referrals Right Now

It’s easy to assume that your clients will refer you—after all they chose to do business with you and we all know you are AH-MAZ-ING! Right?!?!

Yeah, not so much.

Just because your clients chose to do business with you, doesn’t mean they will refer you. That is a fact.

Let’s set client experience expectations

You already know that a customer will share a bad experience with a company at three times the rate of a positive experience. So first a client has to have liked doing business with you—that’s …

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How to Avoid Being a Brand with Snowflake Syndrome?

A while back in one of my first books, I wrote about what I call “Snowflake Syndrome” and it was the hit of the book. That chapter was popular beyond the specific industry that the book was written for. Recently, I have had a few encounters that have reminded me of it and got me thinking that maybe I should expand upon it and release a new book. Maybe…what do you think? 

So just what is Snowflake Syndrome? It’s when a brand believes that it is unique in its market and that the market should go …

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How to Build the Ultimate Brand to Better Connect with Your Customers

Figuring out your brand personality can seem to be impossible. It's like figuring out who you are and what really matters to you as a person. We all struggle (whether we admit it or not) when it comes to figuring out who we really are. It can take years of self-reflection, self-care, and personal discovery only to discover that who we thought we were is not who we actually are…and then begins the process of accepting who we really are. Well, you don’t have that kind of time when it comes to buil…

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