
Blog Articles

The Selfish Selfie

There was a time when what we now call a “selfie” was cute, sweet, fun, memorable, and even unpredictable. Contrary to popular belief, the selfie was not invented when our phones got cameras. They have been around for a long time, just by other names.

Let’s go back to days of Polaroid’s, 35 mm, and 110 film. Even in the days of film we took selfies. It was how you documented a vacation that you were on but didn’t have anyone to take the picture, or it was you hanging out with your friends wanting…

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Communicate with, don't talk at people when you are participating on LinkedIn

Yes it is easy to automate your blog posts so they automatically post to the groups you belong to. The challenge with that is it screams "Sales Pitch! Do not click!" It is also against the rules in some groups which could result in you getting banned from the group, or worse, being put in LinkedIn jail! I know this may surprise you but all of those little photos of people that you see on LinkedIn, they are real people just like you! They don’t like to be talked at, told what to do, or to be trea…

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Tips for Publishing Successful Posts on LinkedIn

Yes you can think of Pulse as LinkedIn's blog. But do not confuse it as a replacement for your blog! When LinkedIn acquired Pulse a few years back, their intention was to create a central hub of business-related news and resources so you, the busy executive could spend less time searching the internet for your business-related questions.

Pulse is also not intended to be a place where you copy and paste the same article from your blog onto it. The search engines actually frown up reposting the sam…

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Yes! LinkedIn Endorsements matter!

Simply put...Endorsements are LinkedIn's way of verifying what you say you know.

Before they rolled out the endorsements, LinkedIn would just ask you what your Professional Skills are and then take it at face value. But then there were people that understood that LinkedIn is a search engine and applied SEO techniques to their profile skewing LinkedIn's search results. So now, LinkedIn asks you what you say you are an expert in, and then goes and asks your connections if that is true!

So the more e…

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Did you know that each LinkedIn Group has its own rules?

social media rulesIf social media didn't seem complicated enough, it is true that each group on LinkedIn has its own rules. As a member of that group you are expected to follow those rules or you the group moderator could put you on restriction which means that all of your posts and comments have to be approved before they go public. You could also be banned from the group, or worse, you could be put in LinkedIn jail if you violate to many groups rules. But don't worry, most group managers will give you at least …

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How to Craft Amazing Brand Names that are Sticky

Have you noticed that naming a brand is one of the hardest aspects of branding? Good brand names have a certain "stickiness" to them. This "stickiness" is what makes them memorable and repeatable. It also makes your competition go, "Damn, I wish we came up with that!" But the wonderment of creating that "stickiness" and identifying the perfect brand name doesn't come the second you tell it to. Instead, it usually takes time, intention, and willingness to consider what you never thought of before…

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Achieve Social Media Success: The Reasons to Consider Outsourcing

Social media isn't a standalone entity in your marketing strategy; it's a vital component, an amplifier that complements your overarching goals. It's not just about establishing a presence; it's about crafting a comprehensive marketing strategy that directly connects marketing goals to your company goals, it's about fostering connections, and truly understanding and engaging with your audience.

Consider this: You don't need to be omnipresent across every platform. Choosing 1-3 platforms that re…

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Learning from Another Brand's Customer Service Mistakes

bad-CS-cartoonHas your company ever had a problem with dealing with customers? We all have "off days" and do make mistakes.

Over the last few weeks, there has been a lot of chatter about a major cable and Internet provider that made “headline” news when a customer recorded a call to the company’s customer service center. All the customer wanted, was to terminate his service...a simple request, blown horribly out of proportion! The customer service agent proceeded to ask questions as to why the customer would…

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Customer Service, Client Journey, Brand Experience, OH MY!

“I know what customer service is.”
“I think I know what customer experience is.”
“What is brand experience?”


That is usually how a conversation about customers relating to a business goes. Companies are familiar with customer service and usually customer experience, although they sometimes conflate the two. Brand experience, on the other hand often draws a blank, or worse, it is lumped in with customer service. Do you see a pattern developing here? There has been a lot of conversation around …

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Are You Unintentionally Putting Yourself At Risk to Personalize Your Marketing

A common complaint that I hear is “with everything being digital, nothing is personal.” In many ways that is true. Technology has given us the ability to make everything look perfect—even in its imperfection, it still looks perfect. It’s easy to copy, share, and distribute in many different formats all with a few clicks of the mouse. I am noticing that the trend is returning to incorporate personal signatures into marketing materials. Nothing is more personalized than your own signature—it’s you…

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