
Blog Articles


Will Membership-Based Brands be Successful in the Future?

Before we teleport into the future, let’s take a trip into the past. Organizations like Rotary, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, United Way, and the Lions Club to name a few, really became popular in the early 1900s. It was a primary resource for socializing, giving back to their community, and even personal or professional development and support. Clearly, these were the days before the internet and we could be “social” with the movement of a mouse or the swipe of a screen. People were expected to work…

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Branding Your Event on Social Media with #Hashtags

Event planners and organizers are beginning to brand their events online using hashtags.

What is a hashtag?

Using the “#” sign and a word or phrase is a way for you to tell people and the social media searches what the theme of your content is. It’s a way for users to indicate that they are responding to or participating with, or even creating a new conversation or trend. They cover every topic from humor, to TV, business, politics, emotions, or even fans….you name it, and they exist! Watch this v…

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How Do You Know When to Update Your Brand?

Everything changes. Birds molt and lizards change colors, styles go in and out of fashion, cartoon characters change with the times—look at Mickey Mouse, he is different now than what he was in 1928. Even established companies’ that are decades old change their identity to match with the times: Aunt Jemima, Prudential, UPS. It is all in the Power of Image! Here are three circumstances that indicate it’s time for you to update your identity:

1. You’re part of a merger.

Without going into the ma…

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LinkedIn Tip: How Many Groups Should I Join?

That is a matter of personal preference!

The better question is, “What groups should I join?” There are three main reasons why people join Groups on LinkedIn: professional association (others in your industry looking for and willing to offer tips and advice), target market (the group attracts the people you are looking to meet), or personal interest (even these usually go back to business in some way).

When you look at groups from this perspective it helps making the decision of which groups to jo…

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LinkedIn Tip: Who Should I Connect To?

On LinkedIn, when you connect with someone, they become one of your “connections”, while on Facebook they are your “friends” and Twitter they are your “followers”. Its social media jargon, but understanding it will help you navigate the site.

It is inevitable, someone . . . well many someones' will reach out to you and ask to connect to you on LinkedIn. Some you will know, some you will know but not want to connect with, and others will leave you thinking, “who on earth is this?”. Those you know …

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Why Do Women Choose to Work in Construction?

Almost always said in a disapproving tone of curiosity, people seem to have a hard time believing that a woman could be passionate about construction. “If I got a dollar for every time I was asked how I got into construction, I would be a wealthier woman. People's curiosity points to the fact that they mostly don't know any women in construction now, so the fact that I started almost 30 years ago is considered an amazing happening....especially since there was no divorce or male family pressure …

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How to Write an Effective Recommendation

While the person who receives the recommendation receives the most benefit, it also builds your credibility to recommend others. When writing a recommendation, write it in the order of what is most interesting.
  • Traits that make that person hirable. "Smart. Timely. Attention to Detail."
  • Why do you describe them that way? Tell a story or give an example of how they proved to you that they are or have the traits that you described them as having.
For most testimonials, that information is all…

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How Diversity Accountability Can Effect Your Brand Building Initiatives

Diversity is not just about differences. It is also about similarities—the things that people have in common. Leveraging similarities can be an asset in solving business issues and is often underutilized or abused with little in-between. 

Assuming that diversity means differences and similarities let me share with you where many companies go wrong with diversity. They miss the element of difference and only focus on similar or what is familiar. Familiar is safe, reduces immediate risk, and puts…

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The Power of Aloha Customer Service Is Unconditional Friendship and Trust

I have lost count of all of the different “types” of customer service and sayings about what customer service should be. Oh, and we can also add the different words for customer service and the actual customer! In the end, they all say the same thing, be nice to the people or companies that give you money.

When I was in Hawai’i, Oahu to be exact—and just so you know, there is no ‘w’ in O’ahu. I was there for a speaking gig and then magically it into a vacation. It was my first time there and wh…

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Women in Construction: What Should I Wear Today?

This has become a “chick” question.

The female stereotype is that we obsess over this question every day and every time we need to change our outfit. But in reality, it is a question that we all ask ourselves every time we get ready to leave the house. Men tend to ask it subconsciously; women give it more conscious thought. Working in a male-dominated industry makes this question even more stressful!

As a minority, you are constantly under a microscope for things that are relevant and irreleva…

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