
Blog Articles

Stop Measuring 'Likes' If You Want More Business

Every business wants an “ROI” from their social media activity…just as they would from every other aspect of their business. It makes sense. However, ROI is not always a linear path when it comes to social media. For example, a 'like’ has different meanings and produces different results on different platforms. It is also the easiest to fake. Because of this, it is very important that your team takes the time to decide what is really important, sets realistic goals, and specific metrics or KPIs …

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How to Consistently Find Really Amazing Content Easily

I love this article about how much time and money small businesses spend on social media. Here are a few highlights:
  • The majority (43 percent) of small businesses spend about 6 hours per week on social media (about the equivalent of one whole workday?)
  • 55 percent of small businesses have blogs...and the average post takes about 1-3 hours to create?
  • Most post on Facebook and Twitter several times of week...Pinterest and LinkedIn? Not so much.
  • $26 is the minimum that most small businesses…

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Build a Successful Social Marketing Strategy Now

Do you have an actual social media strategy? And I don’t mean where you have it scheduled to open up Facebook to make sure you post daily which ends up with you watching cute kitten videos then next thing you know it's an hour later. You know you’ve done this. Don’t worry, so have I.

Creating a social media strategy can sound pointless and overwhelming. After all, social media is supposed to be live as it’s happening, so why would you have a plan? Then you start thinking about all of the other pl…

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Get Better Results with Social Media When You Stop Focusing on ROI

There is more to social media marketing than just pushing your products and services. In fact, you actually generate more and better bottom-line results if you put your emphasis on building relationships with key people like targeted industry influencers and media sources.

Remember people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. So continue to nurture your existing relationships and focus on building new relationships with those who can help you spread your message—include …

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How to Build the Ultimate Brand to Better Connect with Your Customers

Figuring out your brand personality can seem to be impossible. It's like figuring out who you are and what really matters to you as a person. We all struggle (whether we admit it or not) when it comes to figuring out who we really are. It can take years of self-reflection, self-care, and personal discovery only to discover that who we thought we were is not who we actually are…and then begins the process of accepting who we really are. Well, you don’t have that kind of time when it comes to buil…

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Really, How Well Do Your Customers Know You?

A popular question that businesses are asked is “How well do you know your customer?” It is a great question. It’s fabulous because if you actually take the time to dive into it, you’ll discover who your customer is beyond stereotypical demographics. You’ll get to the personality traits and the personal interests of your customers. Simply put—the more you know, the better you are able to target and predict their buying behavior. The flip side of this question is “How much do your customers know …

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Me Too Branding. Don’t Be A Copycat.

Ooohhhh me too. Me too. Me too. When a brand so closely resembles another in communications, logo, name, or colors that it causes confusion in the market and to its customers, it is called a copycat brand or as I call it, a “Me Too Brand.”

I once met with this tech company whose whole strategy was to intentionally be a Me Too Brand. Their plan was to confuse the market so they could steal their competitor’s clients. They even went so far as to rename their company. They took the company’s two-w…

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Banish the Buzzwords to Ensure You Stand Out Now

Do you remember watching the Charlie Brown cartoons? In those cartoons, whenever the teacher would respond to one of the kids, we as the audience would hear “wa wa wa wa wa”. Much like what kids hear (or don’t hear) when their parents or teachers tell them to do something. Or, much like us when we read or hear the same buzz words over and over and over and over again! Each year, LinkedIn releases the latest overused buzzwords that it recommends you remove from your profile if you want to stand o…

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Be Determined in Getting Clear About Who Your Target Audience Is

One of the main challenges that businesses face is attracting their ideal client. For many, they see the total addressable market (TAM) and multiply that by the price of their product or service—it's HUGE!! And it’s not reality. You can have the best sales funnel and the product or service offerings but if you are not attracting the right people then you have a problem. Your problem only gets bigger when developing and implementing your marketing strategy because you end up doing more, paying mo…

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How to Boost Your Social Media Performance

As a B2B executive, you understand that social media isn’t just a passing trend; it’s a critical component of a modern marketing strategy. However, it’s not a standalone solution but a potent amplifier to complement your objectives. Here are vital strategies to ensure your social media endeavors align with your company goals.

The Misleading Nature of Numbers

It’s often said that numbers don’t lie, but they don’t always present the whole truth. Shockingly, statistics reveal that a staggering …

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