Branding Strategies in Marketing
Do You Want a Chief Marketing or Metric Officer?
How important do you think it is for a CMO to be creative?
Traditionally, a CMO is defined as Chief Marketing Officer. I saw an interview with a company that was seriously considering changing its definition to Chief Metric Officer. They felt measuring the metrics of campaigns was far more important than the creativity in today’s market.
When you look at recent economic events, let’s say over the last three years, and factor in that an average CMO remains in one job for only 18 months, to me…
Truth Bomb: You Will Fail in Marketing and It's OK.
It’s true, 90% of all B2B companies market in pretty much the same way. It goes something like this:
Make a product/service
Talk a lot about their product/service
Produce a load of boring content and collateral to sell their product/service
Use various techniques to attempt to stand out and cut through the noise
Use a variety of channels and platforms like advertising, email, or direct marketing, as well as social media to make people aware of their product/service
Build a sales funnel and manage and …
Should Your Company be Emulating Apple?
Instead of writing a testim…
Risky Move, Would You Tell Your Customers Not to Buy a Product You Sell?

I read a story on PRI about a grocery store in Italy that ran ads recommending their customers not buy bottled water at their store, or if they do, only buy local bottled water. If the store’s customers listen, the company stands to lose $140 million dollars over the next eighteen months.
This drastic action is one …
What Business Are You In?
No matter how you spin it, define it or promote it, there are only two answers that are ever acceptable. These two answers fit every industry and business that ever has been, is currently or ever will be.
Yes I am aware that is a bold statement, but it is true.
All businesses are in the ‘people’ business or the ‘communication’ business. Actually, both of them are one in the same.
Every business exists to meet a need or desire of people and in order to do business with them, you must communica…