Mel DePaoli is a RACE Exhibit Facilitator

You have probably heard about the “RACE: Are We So Different” exhibit at the Pacific Science Center ( on display from Nov. 2013 through January 5, 2014. What you probably don’t know is that I am one of the facilitators for it! The exhibit has sparked conversation and contemplation in over 25 cities all across the United States.

If you go as a part of a group, you will have the opportunity to attend a pre-event and a post-event exhibit sessions for free. These experiences are designed for groups to use the exhibit to expand and apply their understanding of racial equity. There are many ways that groups can use these workshops, including:
  • To initiate or deepen work around racial equity, diversity and inclusion.
  • As a training or team-building activity.
  • To lay the groundwork for new or revised programming, policies or initiatives.
  • To expand your own understanding and knowledge of what you think diversity is.
Seeing this exhibit may be pretty powerful for some people and for others it could leave them wondering “what can I do?” or “what’s next?” These pre and post sessions really help with that so I highly encourage that you try to go as a part of a group.

If your company or organization is interested in attending these sessions and the exhibit, I encourage you to contact Diana Falchuk ( or (206) 684-5282) to get it scheduled ( When scheduling you can also request that I be one of your facilitators.

Also, if you would like to learn more about the history of diversity in the Native American community I do highly recommend the Hibulb Cultural Center in Tulalip ( and I dare you to go through that without shedding a tear!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. I personally cannot register your group so you will need to contact Diana or fill out the form online. Thank you in advance and I hope to see you there!

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