Yes you can think of Pulse as LinkedIn's blog. But do not confuse it as a replacement for your blog! When LinkedIn acquired Pulse a few years back, their intention was to create a central hub of business-related news and resources so you, the busy executive could spend less time searching the internet for your business-related questions.
Pulse is also not intended to be a place where you copy and paste the same article from your blog onto it. The search engines actually frown up reposting the same content on multiple sites. Doing so, could get your website dinged meaning that you would always have a lower search engine ranking, or worse, your site could be blacklisted!
Instead of the copy and paste mentality, think of Pulse as another lead generation opportunity—a marketing touch point. If someone is reading your articles on Pulse, they can then click through to look at your profile, and then they click through to your website. Seeing the exact same content on your website as what is on LinkedIn lets them down because they are there looking for more information about you, not the same.
It is ok to repurpose your articles, content, and images, but change up the timing of when you share your repurposed articles on LinkedIn. And by change up the timing I do actually mean wait three to six months before you post that article. Then as you are getting ready to post the repurposed article you have the opportunity to see if you can tie your repurposed article into a current event.
Here are a few other quick tips for what to post and what not to post on Pulse:
Do Post!
Write articles related to your profession.
Include a royalty-free photo, or give appropriate credit.
Keep them short! Under 750 words.
Professional development articles are ok.
Comment on other articles that you read.
Do NOT Post!
Copy and paste articles from your company website.
Use copyrighted images.
Share jokes, Bitstrip comics, or irrelevant personal posts.
Post a sales pitch.
Use slang.
Insult another LinkedIn user.
What other tips have you found that work for you?
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