
The Results to Some Simple Market Research

As you know, Omicle moved from being a design and web company to helping companies connect their culture with their branding about a year and a half ago. Not only did the purpose of the company change, but so did its market, the approach to get in front of the market and I, as owner had to change as well.

I have spent a good portion of the last year and a half doing research to find out if this new focus was viable, who my market would be and what would appeal to them. Overall, I think I have fo…

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Interview with Bonin Bough of Pepsi Co & Marian Salzman of Porter Novelli

I had the opportunity to interview Bonin Bough of PepsiCo and Marian Salzman of Porter Novelli about PepTrends and social media in general. Bonin Bough is the Global Director of Digital and Social Media at PepsiCo and Marian Salzman is the CMO at Porter Novelli and one of the top five trendspotters in the world.

#Peptrends was the first known campaign of its kind. “Anything you learn is a great learning,” Bonin comments on the results. “By no means do we have a monopoly on great ideas or great th…

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Beyond #PepTrends with Bonin Bough of Pepsi Co & Marian Salzman of Porter Novelli

On April 1, 2009 Pepsi rocked the Twitter community with their Peptrends Campaign. Using the hashtag #peptrends, almost 2,000 tweets were exchanged between PepsiCo’s top communicators, the press, twitter users and Porter Novelli’s Marian Salzman. PepsiCo’s goal was to show that they are an open, collaborative company by inviting the outside in and taking the inside out. They also wanted to show that they are a pioneer of social media. The fast-paced conversation covered a range of topics—Total C…

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Christine Perkett Creates Virtual Work Before It Was Common Place

What started off as an interview with Christine Perkett of PerkettPR about social media, expanded to also include a discussion about the virtual world of PerkettPR and the things companies need to consider when deciding to take on social media. I found my conversation with her to be both enlightening and rewarding.

From the beginning she created her own way and has held true to her values. Creating a virtual company at a time when it was not common (the mid 90s) was not an easy task. Neither was…

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Social Media: Company Accounts vs. Personal Accounts?

I was reading Ted Murphy’s blog post about his take on CEOs having personal blogs and being on Twitter. While he made many great points, I feel the strongest one is this:
“The IZEA blog is focused on things relevant to IZEA and our community. is filled with content relevant to me and my personal thoughts about the world around us. While there is some overlap in audience each blog has a different message and bond with the reader.”
This is a very important ‘rule’ that companies of all siz…

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Working At The Office or At Home?

In interviewing various companies about social media, I have come across a couple virtual companies or “Alternative Workplace Strategies” if you want a technical name for it. No this is not a new concept and as time goes by it is becoming more widely accepted, even encouraged according to a survey co-conducted by Microsoft.

“The first reason is about people — the ability to attract and retain talent and provide a better work-life balance by enabling employees the flexibility to work remotely. Sec…

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How to Change Your Business without Hiring Anyone to Help

The simple things in life make all the difference in the world. Yet it seems to be human nature to complicate them, which inevitably screws things up.

When you think back to all the experiences you have had over your lifetime, the ones that stand out the most are always the simplest ones like making bread with grandma or playing ball with your dad? How did you feel when you heard “thank you” from the person you least expected to say it? Thank you is a very powerful phrase.

Jon Gordon wrote a great…

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Amazing Customer Service--You Are Not That Special

Being new to the west coast, there are all kinds of new stores and experiences to be had. Overall, I am amazed at how there IS customer service here. At first it was kind of creepy, because I was not use to it. I talk about it, I promote it, I do my best to live it, but in the end customer service is the experience you have whenever you walk into or work with a company. That being said, the eastern part of the country has nothing on the west.

My husband and I were asked what we thought about the …

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Twitter for Business

Like so many, I am relatively new to the world of Twitter. Before signing up though I wanted to know “if anyone has received business from Twitter.” I posted that question on various sites to see what others experience has been. The general consensus was that no one has received business (directly) from Twitter. So if you are looking to get more business from a new source, you will have to look elsewhere.

That being said, if you are looking for a tool to get the word out about your company, your …

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How Do You Sound on Your Podcasts?

Podcasts and webinars are a great way to receive information and not interfere with your day. Those who are capable can listen to them and still get work done. However, here is my problem with them. Have you noticed that the majority of people who podcast or on webinars sound simply put, stupid? Yes I did just say that.

I cannot tell you how many podcasts I have listened to that I get so annoyed I just shut it off. I have even stopped listening to webinars that I have paid for because the people …

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