
Brush Masters: Construction Companies Using Social Media-Behind the Scenes

Welcome back to part 2 of my interview with Josh Brottlund of Brush Masters. Make sure you check out Part 1 to learn about the tools he uses and the results he's received.


Behind the Scenes: the Marketing Strategy & Policies Around Social Media

Q: Does your company have a policy on social media?

A: No currently, we do not.

Q: What is your marketing strategy?

A: In the typical year, Brush Masters participates in several tradeshows, has heavy involvement with local construction associations (BATC – …

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Brush Masters: Construction Companies Using Social Media–The Tools

As construction companies begin to embrace social media, some are finding it harder than others. So to encourage using social media, I am sharing with you construction companies who have already had success with it. Today's interview is with Josh Brottlund of Brush Masters Painting, Drywall, and Pr-Finishing.

The Tools: Social media tools that are used and how they are utilized

Q: Please introduce yourself Josh, the company, and tell us about your responsibilities.

A: Hello, my name is Josh Brott…

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How Far is Too Far When Setting Hiring Criteria?

I once met with a company that openly admitted and bragged about their hiring criteria. They were certain they had figured it out—perfectly. This I had to hear!

The company prided itself on being a ‘green company.’ Being green, they felt was a core aspect of the business. Decisions were made and green policies were enforced around this concept. Being green was a key aspect in all of their marketing and they even educated customers and prospects about it. I commend this company for taking such an…

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News Release: Book Hammers Home Corporate Culture Message for Construction Industry

Bothell, Wash. –A new book, “CONTRACTORS: Doing It Right Not Just Getting It Done,” offers real-world advice to help managers in the construction industry build a corporate culture geared to success. The book provides a comprehensive look at how external branding programs and a strong corporate culture help construction companies overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

While it’s no secret that companies with strong cultures generally outperform companies that don’t, the construction industr…

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Stebnitz Builders is Included in a Book Benchmarking The Construction Industry

How can you tell if your contractor is the right one for you? How do you know that they have the knowledge to not only professionally complete a remodeling project on your home, but have the business knowledge and experience to stand behind their work? Thanks to Stebnitz Builders, author Mel DePaoli and other contractors across the country, the answers to these questions are found in the newly-released book, CONTRACTORS: Doing It Right Not Just Getting It Done.

The book is the result of two years…

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Congratulations to CP Environmental Group!

After spending about a year and a half with them, I am very excited to see this update!


The CP Environmental Group team wishes you a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year and would like to thank you for helping us make 2009 another successful year. 

As we look forward to this exciting and challenging New Year, we would like to share some highlights from 2009 that continue to shape us, and that ultimately become the building blocks of our future success. 

CP Environmental Group (CPEG) has conti…

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Risky Move, Would You Tell Your Customers Not to Buy a Product You Sell? short answer is probably no, why would you think of such a thing? Or, if I wouldn’t recommend it, why would I carry it? But looking at the bigger picture, you may change your mind.

I read a story on PRI about a grocery store in Italy that ran ads recommending their customers not buy bottled water at their store, or if they do, only buy local bottled water. If the store’s customers listen, the company stands to lose $140 million dollars over the next eighteen months.

This drastic action is one …

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Looking to Achieve Results-Here Are 8 Tips

Here are some strategies that companies practice to achieve results. Here are eight ideas for you:
  1. Small group/team meetings to provide new employees with lunch 'n learn style background, through discussion, of company values, culture, client overviews, competitor analyses, professional development skills training, etc.
  2. Quarterly or more frequent all-hands meetings in one location with video conferencing for remote staff.
  3. Internal listservs pushing out periodic information
  4. Internal e…

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What Business Are You In?

No matter how you spin it, define it or promote it, there are only two answers that are ever acceptable. These two answers fit every industry and business that ever has been, is currently or ever will be.

Yes I am aware that is a bold statement, but it is true.

All businesses are in the ‘people’ business or the ‘communication’ business. Actually, both of them are one in the same.

Every business exists to meet a need or desire of people and in order to do business with them, you must communica…

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Panelist on Views from the Top on Blog Talk Radio

I just finished a great interview with @Adrienne Graham of Empower Me. Just to recap, some topics that were covered were following your passion, motivation to think big, act big and believe big.  We also shared best practices on starting out on your own, selecting an advisory board, finding mentors, stepping out of the comfort zone of “safe” businesses and really going for broke (so to speak). Pam Perry was also on the call and shared a lot of great advice as well. When the audio is available I …

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