
Effective Digital Marketing Strategy


Unlocking Success: Hiring the Perfect Social Media Manager for Your B2B Brand

As a B2B executive, the quest to find the ideal social media manager can significantly impact your company's digital marketing success. To streamline this process, it’s crucial to establish a clear understanding of your company's short- and long-term goals, its marketing goals, the necessary internal setup to support your inbound efforts, and the specific qualities to look for in a social media manager.


Establish Your Company and Marketing Goals

Before meeting potential candidates, it's cru…

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How to Make Sure Your Rebrand is a Success

I remember having a conversation with a business owner years ago about branding. He was trying to convince me that a brand’s logo should NEVER, EVER change. At the time I had been in the industry for over a decade and knew that his intention was correct, but the reality couldn’t be more wrong. As I sat there listening to his reasonings—which completely contradicted each other, but that’s another story—I was taken back to my days in college and my History of Graphic Design book. There was an enti…

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4 Easy Ways to Improve Your Digital Marketing Strategy Now

With the everlasting pandemic and urgent need for continuous digitization, it has become evident that buyers are savvier than ever—whether they realize it or not. Smartphone use for daily transactions has had a significant impact on the increasing digital trends. A recent survey has proposed that mobile users account for approximately 61% of the US population, while 187.5 million users will likely make a purchase using mobile or web by 2024. For digital marketers, it is vital to find effective w…

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How to Select the Best Photo for Your LinkedIn Profile

Did you know it only takes 100 milliseconds to form an impression of someone from just looking at a photo of their face? Or, 80 - 90 percent of that first impression is based on just two qualities—trustworthiness and competence?

Your goal on LinkedIn is to establish credibility and give your connections a reason to trust you, this is done psychologically just by your profile picture. Also, profiles that have a professional photo get 14 times more views than those that don’t.

Those data points …

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How to Easily Craft an Amazing Recommendation that Boosts Your Credibility

Traditionally, recommendations were written using a format that validated the credentials of the person writing them first, then talked about the recipient. These are very “me” focused in their approach and oh so '90s.

Blah blah blah…

Today's business recommendations require a new format to accommodate the new methods of how they are utilized. When you leverage this new format, it builds your credibility as the writer without having to spit out all your resume credentials AND it puts the focus…

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How to Connect with People on LinkedIn to Build Powerful Relationships

You’ve probably heard that you should “always” include a custom message when you send a connection request on LinkedIn. While that is a good intention, the reality is that not every opportunity to send a connection request on the platform allows you to customize it. For example, if you are going through the LinkedIn suggestions after you just sent someone a connection request, and decide that you want to connect with someone, LinkedIn doesn’t give you the option to include a customized message w…

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Digital Disruption: Its Time to Embrace the Revolutionary Opportunities

I was in a meeting the other day and the topic of digital disruption came up. The person I was meeting with described it as something that should almost be feared, which surprised me. I dove deeper into why he felt this way, what I learned was it was a response to some media-driven content that he was exposed to. So, I want to share with you how I explained digital disruption as an opportunity for him.

“Digital” is not a thing—it’s just as much a part of our lives as going to work, figuring out…

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How to Engage on LinkedIn to Build Credibility

Unless you are engaging with your connections or with the LinkedIn community, LinkedIn is nothing more than the world’s largest Rolodex® and you will receive nothing from it.

I know that was harsh…and well it’s true.

Remember, every aspect of LinkedIn is searchable so the more you can engage, the more relevant you are, and the higher you appear in search results. The best way to do this is by engaging on others' posts in the news feed and their articles. I guarantee you, that you will build mo…

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What is the Impact of Inviting Marketing on Corporate Boards?

Despite the consistently proven impact, qualified marketers are rarely invited to join corporate boards.

Ever since I started my business, I have always been on at least one board. When I went back to get my Executive MBA was the first time, I had stepped off all boards. It’s been a few years now and I wanted to start looking into getting involved with a board again, but this time I want to do something different. I want to challenge myself and expand my skillset. So, I started looking into for…

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Where is the Best Place to Publish My Articles? LinkedIn or Your Blog

Every expert will have a different take on this. My answer is “it depends.” What are your goals? What are you trying to achieve? What are you going to be sharing? Those questions and a few others will influence the actual advice I would give you, but generally here is my advice.

All original content should go on your personal or company blog first. From an SEO perspective, the search engines give credit to websites that regularly produce original content. Why would you want to give that credit …

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